Labour market and inequality
Macro-fiscal analysis

SA-TIED Research Presented at GTAC Seminar


On 2 August 2024, SA-TIED research was presented at a Government Technical Advisory Centre seminar that reflected on the state of South Africa's economy, 30 years into democracy. Joshua Budlender, a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit, shared findings that explored persistent issues of poverty, inequality, and unemployment, drawing attention to the structural factors contributing to these challenges.

Budlender presented key insights from two SA-TIED studies: "Estimating the Impact of Pandemic Job Loss on Poverty in South Africa" and "Surviving in the Dark: The Mortality Effects of Reducing Rolling Blackouts." These studies examined the economic impact of crises, as well as the ongoing challenges in the labour market, shaped by the enduring legacy of apartheid.

The seminar showcased the relevance of SA-TIED’s research in informing discussions on policy interventions aimed at addressing these structural issues and promoting meaningful economic development in South Africa.