Working paper
Rob Davies and Dirk van Seventer
Technical change impacts both the employment intensity of production and the composition of occupations and skills of employment. Artificial intelligence, automation, and robots are already leading to machines undertaking routinizable tasks previously carried out by...
October 2020
Macro-fiscal analysis
Working paper
Brandon Joel Tan
There is a large literature on the minimum wage focused on directly exposed firms and geographies. This paper provides new evidence that the minimum wage has significant spillover effects on firms exposed to the minimum...
June 2021
Enterprise development
Working paper
by Dirk Van Seventer, Shannon Bold, Sherwin Gabriel, and Rob Davies
This paper documents the construction of a South African Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for the year 2015. The SAM is built using a Statistics South Africa (Stats SA, 2018) Supply Table (ST) and Use Table...
March, 2019
Macro-fiscal analysis
Technical note
Daniel Page, David McClelland, Adeola Oyenubi, Grace Bridgman, and Uma Kollamparambil
The arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic and the response by the South African government was consistent with global trends and prompted unprecedented public procurement. Government responses included the application of a staged lockdown as well...
December 2021
Working paper
by Aroop Chatterjee
Understanding wealth inequality has unique significance in South Africa. The co-existence of extreme poverty and extreme wealth is starkly visible. Apartheid-era inequality has persisted despite more than 20 years of democracy. Much of the research...
March, 2019
Labour market and inequality
Joshua Budlender and Amina Ebrahim
The Employment Tax Incentive was introduced in 2014 in response to South Africa’s chronic structural youth unemployment crisis. Its aim was to encourage employers to hire young people by subsidizing their wages. ‘High youth unemployment,’...
November 2022
Labour market and inequality
Journal article
by Channing Arndt, Doug Arent, Faaiqa Hartley, Bruno Merven, and Alam Hossain Mondal
Since 2007, large and unexpected declines in generation costs for renewable energy systems, particularly solar but also wind, combined with policy measures designed to limit greenhouse gas emissions, have created a paradigm shift in energy...
July 2019
Climate and energy
Technical workshop
4 Apr 2018 / 10:00 to 17:00
Climate and energy
On 4 April, a workshop centring on the main principles of macroeconomies takes place at the National Treasury of South Africa. The event focuses on current, international discussions on modern macroeconomic models, including their strengths...
In the media
Timothy Shipp
SA-TIED economist, Murray Leibbrandt, appeared on a South African national broadcast Wednesday, where he spoke to anchor, Shahan Ramkissoon about the SA-TIED programme and its ongoing work. Murray Leibbrandt is a leader in SA-TIED's Turning...
24 October 2018