Working paper
by Konstantin Makrelov, Channing Arndt, Rob Davies, and Laurence Harris
We analyse implications of financial sector dynamics for fiscal expenditure multipliers in recessionary conditions. We employ a stock-and-flow-consistent model for South Africa with four financial instruments and detailed balance sheets for the household, government, financial...
January 2018
Macro-fiscal analysis
Working paper
Joan Halstein
This paper simulates the long-term implications of skilled labour emigration for South Africa, using a recursive dynamic general equilibrium framework. It examines the effects of skilled emigration with or without offsetting measures, specifically the projected...
April 2021
Climate and energy
Research seminar
14 Aug 2023 / 10:00 to 16 Aug 2023 / 18:00
The IIPF, a worldwide organization of public finance economists, will encompass approximately 750 members from over 50 countries. Within an increasingly specialized academic landscape, the IIPF will continue to foster intellectual exchanges among experts in...
Working paper
by Seppo Kari, Londiwe Khoza, Nagamso Manjezi, and Kyle McNabb
The problem of debt bias can be tackled through either disincentivizing the use of debt financing or incentivizing the use of equity financing. Considering the South African context—in which many firms are highly leveraged and...
March 2019
Public revenue
Working paper
Ada Jansen, Winile Ngobeni, and Wynnona Steyn
South Africa has a progressive broad-based personal income tax system with relatively few tax expenditures. The two most important are the medical contribution plus additional tax credits for medical expenses, and the deductions allowed for...
November 2023
Public revenue
Working paper
Ihsaan Bassier, Joshua Budlender, and Maya Goldman
Up-to-date, nationally representative household income/expenditure data are crucial to estimating poverty during the COVID-19 pandemic and to policy-making more broadly, but South Africa lacks such data. We present new pandemic poverty estimates, simulating incomes in...
July 2022
Macro-fiscal analysis
Working paper
Rob Davies, Katrina Kosec, Ephraim Nkonya, and Jie Song
This paper reviews land reform in six emerging market economies with some similarities to South Africa, and in sub-Saharan African countries, which share a similar colonial history. While care needs to be taken when trying...
March 2020
Climate and energy
In the media
On 31 January, the SA-TIED programme hosted a research results meeting and a poster presentation by SA-TIED's Young Scholars in Pretoria, South Africa. The day started with a very fruitful conversation on tackling unemployment and...
1 February, 2019